September 1


Top Investment Strategy to Keep Your Retirement Money Working for You

I’ve always had a motto:  The more people are educated, the less they are going to worry.  The unknown is much scarier than the known. There is an investment strategy out there that has some pretty amazing qualities, and I want to open up your eyes to some of the possibilities. Why I like this investment strategy:
  1. It has a very long track record.
  2. The investment returns are quite compelling.
If you look over the life of this investment strategy, the average annual returns might get your attention.
Time Period Average Annual Return*
Last 10 Years +7.65% per year
Last 15 Years +9.29% per year
Last 20 Years +6.89% per year
Last 25 Years +9.48% per year
Last 50 Years +9.98% per year
Last 85 Years +10.07% per year
Wow!  That really IS pretty compelling.  No one can guarantee what is going to happen in the future, but if something out there has averaged over 10% per year for 85 years, it’s something you should probably know about. Remember, once you retire, your money needs to keep working for you.  Instead of YOU working, your MONEY is working.  The more money that your money makes, the larger your “salary” becomes once retired. You may be asking yourself, “Sounds great Dave, what is it?  What have you found that has done so well for so long?” The answer:  The stock market. Yes, that’s right.  I’m talking about the stock market (or more specifically the S&P 500 Index).  Before you say to yourself, “The stock market is too risky, I can’t afford to lose all my money” I want you to go back up to that data and let it soak in completely. Really, if you think about it, this is amazing news. Be Blessed, Dave The S & P 500 Composite Index is an unmanaged index that is generally considered representative of the U. S. Stock market. The performance of an unmanaged index is not indicative of the performance of any particular investment. Individuals cannot invest directly in any index. Past performance is never a guarantee of future results. Investments offering the potential for higher rates of return also involve a higher degree of risk. Actual results will vary. *According to NYU.EDU Note:  Many of you are still calling us on our old phone number.  Please take note that our new number is: 941-556-6307.  The old phone number will be disconnected in the near future.     The return of principal for bond funds and for funds with significant underlying bond holdings is not guaranteed. Fund shares are subject to the same interest rate, inflation and credit risks associated with the underlying bond holdings. The value of fixed-income securities may be affected by changing interest rates and changes in credit ratings of the securities.  Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Inherent in any investment is the potential for loss. Indexes are unmanaged portfolios and individuals cannot invest directly in an index.  Actual results will vary. This communication is for informational purposes only and nothing herein should be construed as a solicitation, recommendation or an offer to buy or sell any securities or product, and does not constitute legal or tax advice. The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable but we do not guarantee accuracy or completeness. Do not act or rely upon the information and advice given in this publication without seeking the services of competent and professional legal, tax, or accounting counsel.  

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