January 16


Dave Kennon: You Are One of the First Revolutionaries

Dave Kennon, Kennon Financial

Did you know that you are already part of the Retirement Revolution?  You are already part of a movement that has begun in the Sarasota area and is soon going to spread across the country.

How do you know if you’ve already joined the crusade?

1. You believe that once you retire it is okay to immediately start spending some of your retirement savings. (That’s what it’s there for, right?)

2. You are responsible for your retirement spending by only spending the money that the money is making. If your CD is paying 3%, you spend the 3%. If your portfolio of stocks and bonds average a 5% return, you spend the 5%.

3. You realize that for all the doom and gloom of the media, we live in the most prosperous time in history, in the greatest country in the world.

4. Instead of a fear-based retirement, you view retirement as an empowered new adventure.

5. You plan to live your retired years with less worry and more fun!


I have re-released my book under a different title.  After consulting with some very knowledgeable friends in the publishing industry,  we determined that a name change was in order.

It was:

Spend More, Worry Less: How to Get the Most Life from Your Money

It is now:

The Retirement Revolution: Spend More, Worry Less

Better, isn’t it?  If you want to check out the book scroll to the bottom of this email to learn more.

Why is it called The Retirement Revolution?

Because there needs to be a radical shift in how retirees view their financial situations.  The studies all point to the same fact: The vast majority of retirees do not run out of money.

The Employee Benefit Research Center recently released new data:

Retirees with significant savings ($500,000 or more), on average have around $450,000 twenty years into their retirement.

Even people with little savings ($30,000 or less) still have, on average, $20,000 twenty years into their retirement.

One-third of retirees end up with more savings twenty years into retirement than when they retired.  

Almost all Baby Boomers have the same misconceptions.

Let’s quickly clear them up.

(data is from the same study).

1. Medicare covers more than you realize.  Annual out-of-pocket spending for 90% of retirees is $2000 a year.

2. Social Security is not going bankrupt.  You will get what your statement says you are going to get for the rest of your life.

3. Fears about nursing home expenses are overblown.  Only 10% of retirees end up spending more than $87,000 on nursing homes.

4. Inflation is not going to ruin you.  Spending from your early 50’s to your late 70’s decreases by 40%.  Inflation is offset by natural reductions in spending as you get older.

I am so passionate about this subject because millions of people right now are living scared and dying rich.  It has to stop. But as I said, the only way to break this Depression-Era way of thinking (that you got from your parents) is a revolution.

You grew up in the 60’s.  A time in history where you challenged the status quo.  A time where you fought for what was right. Now you need to fight for the retirement that you deserve.  You need to revolt against conventional fear-based wisdom.

Really, if you really think about it, this is great news.  Not only do you have less to worry about, but you get to spend more money.

Once you retire, you need to realize that you have 15-20 years of active living.  By the time many people realize they are not going to run out of money they are too old to enjoy it!

If you know of other people that need to know about The Retirement Revolution please forward this email.  Don’t let your friends and family sabotage their own retirements.


Be Blessed,


Dave Kennon, Kennon Financial 


There is no certainty that any investment strategy will be profitable or successful in achieving your investment objectives. An index is a portfolio of specific securities. Indexes are unmanaged and investors cannot invest directly in an index. Index returns are “total returns” with dividends reinvested, which means the return is not only the change in price for securities but any income generated by those securities. The performance of an unmanaged index is not indicative of the performance of any particular investment. Investments offering the potential for a higher rate of return also involve a higher degree of risk. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Actual results will vary.
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